Where Software Development Lifecycle and Agile Development Meet
It takes time to plan, design, test, and implement. That is an unescapable truth of software development. The art of software development comes from choosing how to use that time wisely. An axiom for ship construction or software development is time spent carefully planning early in the effort will be time not spent refitting the ship when its in the water.
Agile vs. Waterfall Methodologies
Waterfall vs. Agile
In juxtaposition both methodologies feature up front analysis. But where and how time is spent is drastically different. The waterfall approach is highlighted by an enormous amount of up-front time spent developing specifications. Only after this is complete do developers then tackle the specifications in relative isolation like monks in a monastery. At a time in the distant future the software is presented to the client. |
Agile is markedly different. The underlying credo of Agile is that user needs change and specifications, while providing a necessary starting point, are not stagnant. The key phrase in Agile is 'Frequent iterations of value and transparency is the key to the user acceptance of each iteration.